I've Been Tagged !!
I have been tagged by the world famous… no wait that should be WORLD FAMOUS! Shea, of Wichita, Kansas. Who just happens to be the first person to ever tag me. The memories we will have of this post, Shea.
She’ll be all “Hey, The D remember that time I tagged you?”
And I’ll be all “Yea, that was pretty sweet! We should do that again”
And she’ll be all “Na, it wasn’t that sweet.”
(Insert sound effect wa, wa, waaaa).
(Just for clarification I requested the interview from Heidi, she did not tag me.)
Anyway, I had started another list of 100 things about The D (the first one sucked balls) So, I’ll just take 8 from the new list unless I think that new list sucks balls too (which it probably does). I try to put at least a couple items in the new list a week. I will probably be 55 years old before it’s done.
- I am King of the Procrastinators. No wait I wanted to save that for last.
- I make up stupid or silly nicknames for people I hardly know. I call one girl “Super fly” for no reason whatsoever. Other names I use are Chief, Sachmo, What’s-his-nuts, Nanook of the north, and Tits McGee.
- I found out a few days ago that my right foot is bigger than my left by half a shoe size. WTF? Is that normal? Or am I a freak?
- On June 29th I’ll have been at the same company for 3 years. And I love it! Now, if I could just find a way to sleep my way to the top. I’d be GOLD!
- Every time I see someone on a 10 speed I secretly want to throw a broom handle, or stick, in their front spokes, or drive ahead of them and open a car door at the last second. I think that’s the funniest thing ever. Does that make me a bad person? Or just an asshole? Or both?
- I think I get overly excited about mundane things. But that's who I am, and I is what I is, so sue me.
- I am thinking of going back to school. But that would get in the way of my blog. But it would make me a better Blogger. But it would get in the way of blogging. But it would make me a better Blogger.
- Now for my last random thing about me I am going WAY DEEP, I mean WWAAYY DEEEEEEP, into the very bowls of my soul, and admit to something that no one, I mean NO ONE, knows about me, not even my closest friends. I will probably catch a lot of flack from people that read this but I am going to admit it anyway. FLACK BE DAMMED! Why would I admit to something so personal? Because, I have balls of steel, that’s why.
I would like to take a few seconds too remind my friends, and family of rule #1 of this blog and that rule is: You cannot ask me about anything that I post on this blog. You can, however, comment all you want in the comments, even anonymously if you want. But you cannot ask me questions like, Why did you say this, why did you say that, in person. If you want to comment then you MUST comment here. NOT via email, phone call, or text message. GOT IT!
So here goes, (deep breath) sometimes when I am home alone… (Boy this is going to be tougher that I thought) I… er… umm… like to… er… umm… ahem… break some plastic hangers… crank up my Ipod… and air drum. There I said it, I air drum. Think air guitar only with drums. And I am damn good at it! I can drum out practically the entire Motley Crue, library and the vast majority of Bon Jovi hits among other songs. And I don’t mean some lame ass air drumming I mean the whole song. The hi-hat, bass drum, tom-toms, cymbal crashes, I am talking the whole shebang, BABY! If I was at a concert of Motley Crue or Bon Jovi and for whatever reason their drummers could not perform and I got up on stage there would be no drop off in the quality of the show than if Tommy Lee or Tico Torres were their performing themselves.
Now, I apparently have to tag a few other peeps, so I am going with a couple Non Kansas Citians like Cynical Girl, and Ms. Momma, and one new comer to the blog world KC Sponge.