Best Purchase EVER!!
I know I have been leading ya'll on about this SUPER AWESOME package that I ordered late last week. But the tease is over, in this post I will unveil what, exactly what was that I purchased. And how I came to own it.
I will start with the unveiling.

Now for some much needed background.
A few weeks ago my Uncle Tom was in town from
I pick up the package from the post office on Wednesday. Now I have to get a wireless modem. I was going to just order one from southwestern bell. But then I would have to wait a couple of more days before I could get on-line. So I said screw that noise and hit They had some on sale so I bolted out there and picked one up for 50 bucks. Now I have never done some thing like this before but I new I could do it.

Now for some specs on the lap top. It's an HP, it has 1 gig of memory, a dual core 2.0 gig processor It has a dvd burner and a built in wireless card. A 100 gig hard drive. The screen is 17", and a shit load of external ports. Windows XP and Windows Media (although I am not sure what Media does but I will soon find out). It also has Microsoft 2003 Office (which will soon be updated to 2007, or what ever the lated version is out). I have also graduated to FireFox web browser.
Now for the best option. Are you ready for this, It has a built in MICROPHONE!!! Do you have any idea what that means? Well I'll tell you what it means. I means that I can now record myself saying something really fucking funny and then post it as a blog post.(that is when I figure our how to do that.) How awesome will that be? It will be TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!
Now I just need to set up a home network so I can transfer files from my PC to the laptop and vice versa. I need to transfer all my music, and pictures. So I can share them.
I bought this laptop, (btw this is my first post written from the laptop. YEA!!) for $700 buck and it retails for $1500, not a bad buy if you ask me. Plus I can pay my aunt whenever I get the cash to do so. I will probably send her 100 a month.
I have some more stuff to play with on this thing . So peace out, and thanks for reading!
Now for the best option. Are you ready for this, It has a built in MICROPHONE!!! Do you have any idea what that means? Well I'll tell you what it means. I means that I can now record myself saying something really fucking funny and then post it as a blog post.(that is when I figure our how to do that.) How awesome will that be? It will be TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!
Now I just need to set up a home network so I can transfer files from my PC to the laptop and vice versa. I need to transfer all my music, and pictures. So I can share them.
I bought this laptop, (btw this is my first post written from the laptop. YEA!!) for $700 buck and it retails for $1500, not a bad buy if you ask me. Plus I can pay my aunt whenever I get the cash to do so. I will probably send her 100 a month.
I have some more stuff to play with on this thing . So peace out, and thanks for reading!