Exciting Times Ahead!!
I am back to working out after 2 weeks off I'm at 193 1/4 pounds. I need to lose 8 pounds to get into the high end of my goal weight range. Which is the same I weighted when I got out of the Marine Corps in 1994 (185 lbs). It will be a bigger milestone than when I broke the 200 lbs mark. The deadline for this endeavor is Friday March 16th. Wish me luck.
But even more exciting (for ya'll) is that I will be staying home for the next 2 weekends. Which means no drunk dialing, drunk texting messaging, drunk emails, drunk posting. Sorry, ladies I know how much you love my drunk dialing, drunk texting, drunk emails, and drunk posting. Especially my buddy Hammer she LOVES them like a junkie loves crack! She can't get enough of 'em!! (that's funny on so many levels I can't even begin to explain it)
"But The D why are you staying home your so awesome to party with? We won't have any fun without you?" I know that is what you are all thinking, but I have a very good reason. You see St.Patricks day is March17th its only the single largest drinking day of the year for us Irish Catholic people and I need to make sure I am 100% focused on the booze, and the Ladies, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
Furthermore, I am going to wear my lucky green t-shirt On St. Patty's Day. It's lucky for me because it protects me from getting any STD's. Whenever I wear it I NEVER get laid. Thusly protecting me from STD's. It's the best shirt ever.
Have a good week!