Thanksgiving Recap
This Thanksgiving was low key and stress free, as they all should be. The D.C. Krew didn't come in town and neither did my SiS and her family. They each went to their respective In-laws houses, but we'll have the whole clan in town for Christmas, which'll be nice. Mom didn't want to cook for just the four of us and C-boys 2 girls one of who is only 9 months old. She's still eating that goo they call baby food.
The SIL's father invited all of us to have lunch with all of their family at Plaza III (no, that's not Plaza one hundred and eleven it's Plaza 3) at 135th and Nall Avenue. They offered a traditional Thanksgiving meal and also had their whole menu available. Some people took advantage the full menu but mom and I had the turkey dinner with all the trimmings. It was good and I had no problems woofing (wolfing?) it down. Mom on the other hand didn't like the stuffing so I had it. She was right her's was bad, but mine was just fine. C-Boy and I had a good time hassling The Sil's aunt, who is an MU grad, about how bad her school is going to lose tomorrow.
After lunch I helped mom set up her Christmas tree. It's usually the SiS's job to set up the tree but since they didn't come in town she obviously couldn't set it up and get into the yearly Thanksgiving day argument about who made what ornaments and at what age.
This is a typical Thanksgiving day/putting up the tree argument.
(I'm paraphrasing here)
Mom: OH! Look how pretty this one is, I can still remember when K-dog made it, he was ten.
SiS: "No, he didn't I made that when I was 8 years old in Mrs. Watson's class.
Mom: "Shut up, you did not."
SiS: "I did too!"
SiS: (now crying) "I'm not doing this next year."
And scene.
Good times, Good times.
Some traditions just can't live on forever.
After I put the tree together I bolted so I wouldn't get roped into putting on all the decorations. I needed to get home and take a dump. After said dump (everything came out alright thanks for asking) I took a 3 hour nap.
That was my thanksgiving.
I hope yours was just as stress free as mine was.
As always thanks for reading.
I'm Audi 5000.
The D Out.