Birthday Day Recap
Yesterday was my birthday. I was out until 2 the night before after the blogger meet up so I was 20 min late for work. Needless to say, I had a lot of work to catch up on when my office phone range. It was my boss and his boss in a conference room wanting me to come see them. "OH FUCK," I thought, "I'm going to get fired on my birthday!"
As I walked to the conference room I was thinking of excuses as to why they couldn't fire me. But I didn't get fired. (WOOT!) It was my yearly performance review. I'm not going to go into all the details of all of the elements that are contained in my review, but overall I scored a 4 out of a possible 5 which puts me into the upper percentile of my co-workers (people that due the same job I do). No one ever gets a 5 out of 5, anyway. (Apparently my reputation at the company is the "Go to Guy" if a project is in danger of not meeting a deadline. Which I'm cool with, it could be the opposite. And I know it's because I'm single, everyone else is married or fucking lazy turds, and they think I have nothing better to do than work.) I'm just glad they didn't check the internet usage log or I would have been S.O.L. Or maybe they did and just don't care because none of my projects have ever missed a deadline or lost money.
So that was in the morning, when I was busting my hump to get my current project finished for a in house review, that was due at 12. I finished it at 11.
That night I went over to Moms for dinner with her and C-boy's family. His oldest daughter Sophia asked me what I was going to wish for in my birthday wish.
Sophia: "Uncle D, what are you going to wish for when you blow out that candles? Cause I know what you should wish for."
Uncle D: "I don't know, what should I wish for?"
S: "A baby!"
S: "Yea, a baby!" (laughing)
UD: "Should I get a girlfriend first?"
S: "NO (shouting) just a baby!"
UD: Why do you think I need a baby?"
S: "Cause you don't have one and everyone else does."
UD: "How about I wish for a fast race car?"
S: "NO!! WISH FOR A BABY!" (she shouts demandingly)
UD: "OK, I'll wish for a baby." (I don't like arguing with 3 year old kids.)
S: "I win! Can I help you blow out your candles?"
UD: "Sure"
(I'm not telling you what I wished for.)
As far as presents go, I received gift cards to Macy's, Old Navy, and Nordstroms. The I came home and got caught up on all the Heroes episodes that I missed.