Weekend Update
This is Weekend Update with The D! (I should get a theme song) Good evening everyone I'm The D and you're not! Friday night started out pretty uneventful with me on the couch trying to catch up on all the new shows T.V. that I had missed during the week. Then I get a call from Burt and Lonnie wanting me to come up to the Point and have a drink with them (well have a drink with Burt anyway). I hadn't had a drink with my favorite pregnant couple for a few weeks so after a quick shave and shower I was off to The Point. Burt's nephew Red is a manager there and I'm probably as close to him as I am with the rest of that family (sadly there are no single chicks in that family that live in Kansas City). We only had about two maybe three drinks at The Point when I start getting text messages from another couple of friends that were down at Kelly's. Burt and Lonnie had just moved that day so they were going to call it a night anyway so I walked back to their new apartment to check it out. Typical new apartment boxes everywhere. Overall it's a nice place with a heated pool and hot tub that I plan on sneaking into in the near future. I get down to Kelly's in Westport and meet up with my pal from high school, Pam (as in Anderson) and her husband, Scott (as in Baio). I had not seen Pam and Scott for over a year but have always kept in touch with them. Scott, the ditz that he is, finally noticed that I had lost weight after about 20 minutes and Pam and I talking about it. After a few B&C's for me and some tall beers for them, Pam disappears for a little while. She comes back with these 3 mildly attractive girls that were either just 21 or maybe 22 years old. Drunk girl #1 walks up to me and puts her hand on my thigh and whispers in my ear says "I want to see it." Perplexed I ask "See what?" "You know your 3 balls." "WTF?" I think. I then see Pam behind this girl absolutely dying from laughter. Because Pam thought it would be funny to tell this girl that I had 3 nuts. So as with any abnormality people wanted to see it (wouldn't you?). So she kept asking me to see it (when clearly she should have been saying she wanted to see THEM, but she was wasted.) Then she started getting all handsy and trying to grabbing my stuff that's when I had to put an end to it. All the while Pam and Scott are just laughing there asses off and not helping me whatsoever while talking to this drunk ass girls friends. It took me at least 30 min to get this drunk ass girl to 1) believe me that I had that standard issue testicles and 2) leave me alone.
While at Kelly's we were invited to this house party. So the 3 of us said sure why not, and went after the bar closed. The dudes that invited us told us it would be "off the hook" with plenty of chicks so we decided to check it out. WRONG! It was the lamest after hours party in the history of all after hours parties EVER. They didn't even have any beer except for a 12 pack hidden in the fridge. But Scott and I sniffed it out and swiped a couple them and took off. Who has an after hours party and doesn't have plenty of booze? Rookies!
Amazingly, I didn't even get a chance to get any drunk text messages out before I went to bed at 4 am. Sorry about that, I'll do better next time. I know you all missed them and enjoy them so much.
Saturday, I laid around until it was time to get ready for my date. I wore jeans and a new shirt I picked up a few days ago since I don't have any clothes that fit me except one pair of jeans and a few tee shirts (but that's another post altogether). I pick her up at her apartment in Overland Park at 9 at 9:10 I knew that this was one crazy bitch. Reason #1: She talked about her dog CONSTANTLY and I'm pretty sure she was having sex with it when I knocked on her door. Reason #2 WAY too much talking about her ex-boyfriends. Reason #3 dumb as a post, I actually had her thinking that she needed to have her blinker fluid in her car changed. I also told her that I was the Official Standing Ovation starter at Royals and Brigade games. (I almost lost it on that one). That ladies and Gents is the trifecta of things NOT to do on a date. So not to drag this out forever but those are things that drive me absolutely NUTS! It's too bad too she was smoking hot too.
(Before you go thinking I'm some kind of asshole for telling her that stuff, and messing with her, I want to tell you that if I was an asshole I would have slept with her, but I didn't. That's not what I'm looking for in a date. Besides dumb girls are a HUGE turn off.)
Sunday was the usual nap, Chiefs game, nap.
Have a good week folks. Thanks for reading.