I don't like putting curse words in the titles of my post. What that should say is HOLY SHIT!!!
After I left work today at noon I got some lunch then went shopping for new clothes, mostly shirts, actually only shirts. I have one question. Why has no one told me about this place called Old Navy? Is this some kind of privileged secret? They are having a 50% off all summer clothes! And I happened on it by accident. I was driving to Tar-jay and decided to stop buy the computer store to see how much there printer/scanners were going for and there just happened to be a Old Navy in the same shopping center. So I thought "What the Hell lets check out this store".
So I went in and I bought these shirts:Those aren't the exact ones but you get the idea. But the best part is the size. You see I used to be an XXXL or XXL, (and I still wear them when I work out but they fit me like a tent!) these shirts are... wait for it... wait for it... LARGE!! That's it... just LARGE!!! I KNOW, I SAID HOLY SHIT TOO!!! But we still have to see how they fit after I get them out of the dryer which is where they are now. (I don't like to wear new clothes right off the shelf. There're itchy.)
I was contemplating taking them all out to Reggies before the concert tonight (oohh that reminds me I need to start drinking, QUICK!) and having his wife Chrissie take some pics of all me wearing my new shirts. But I decide that was really ghey, so that won't be happening!
But you will get some pics from tonights show. If I can sneak the camera into the show.
Have a good 4th of July and don't blow your hand off! If you do make sure you get it on film!
Thanks for reading!