Random Thoughts, News Break
I am SOOOO bored today.
We had a bar-b-que today at lunch. It was supposed to rain so we had it in our parking garage. 400 people sitting a round a bunch of picnic tables. It was pretty sweet. The group of employees that do the cooking have won contest at the American Royal Bar-b-que, and the Lenexa bar-b-que competitions so it was some good shizznit.
We have a bunch of new inters in the division so the chief division dude made them all get up and introduce themselves. And tell their age or class (fresh, soph…) and what school they were from, the K-Staters got some applause, (and boos as did the rest of the Big 12 schools,) and so did some dude from Notre Dame, but when The KU girl said she was from KU she was almost booed. I being a KU fan, just was not going to have that so I started cheering like it was the second coming of Christ. It was awesome.
Announcer dude: “And, now for the news here’s “The D”
“Howdy folks I’m The D and you're not!!”
First up
This TB dude’s wife is hot, even thought you can’t see her face, you know she has big boobies. But does anyone think he really looks like Jim Halper from the office.
While we’re discussing celebrity news, who the hell is this fatty-o:
Dr. Kevorkian is out of prison so I guess you should all RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!
I think the Corey sisters (Feldman, Haim) have something cooking but this article is so mucked up I couldn’t tell. Or I got though the first paragraph and just stopped caring.
And now to a travel update here is our Chief Travel Correspondent, Darren
“Seriously folks, Lets get right to the point here. I (or some jerk-off from USA Today) has created one of the greatest list ever created in the history of all list EVER! It’s a list of the top 10 nudie beaches from across the globe. Which is really funny because just the other day I had someone send me some information on their vacation and they mentioned that they were upset that there weren’t any nude beaches around. She was almost in tears because she was going to be stuck with “lame-ass tan lines” as she put it. Well now she can change her vacation.
Darren: “That’s it for travel, The D, back to you.”
The D: “Thanks Darren fascinating stuff. I’m going to have to get that list to Katie tonight.”
Darren: “I thought your wifes name was Mary?”
The D: “She is, I talking about my girlfriend, YOU IDIOT”.
Darren: “Oh, O.K. umm... never mind.”
Darren: “Back to you The D”
The D: Thanks ass-face now I’m not going to tell you how to get a free donut.
Next seasons Heroes had a new character The actor is Dania Ramirez From the Sopranos. She plays the kids ex-fiancé (that bitch broke Tony Jr. heart!!)
And finally tonight, you know you wanted to review the ENTIRE SEASON of LOST. ‘cause you have totally forgotten what happened before the break the season took before Christmas. (I just totally blew you mind didn’t I. You totally forgot about that 6 week break didn’t you?) Well now you can just hit up this dude and read about it.
That’s it for the News,
I’m Audi 5000
The D