Democracy In Action!
I am going out this Saturday night with a few friends. We have not discussed where we are going but you can bet it will involve me getting drunk and most likely wetting myself and or vomiting.
Anywho, I thought I would let you my, kick-ass rock star, readers pick what tee-shirt I will be wearing. I am usually not a jeans and tee-shirt kinda guy. But because tee-shirts are the only thing that comes close to fitting me. These are your choices.
Things to consider before you vote.
1. Which shirt will NOT get my ass whipped.
2. Which shirt will get me more HOT chicks. (keyword there is HOT chicks)
3. Which shirt will not get my ass whipped BY a chick.
Choice # 1. Chick Magnet:
This shirt was purchased in 2003 at Kohls in The Lou just before a group of about 15 of us went on a 7 day cruise. As I was standing on the deck of the ship watching us dock in Cozumel this lady about 40 years old or so comes up to me and says:
"I love your shirt. Did you buy it here or at one of the other ports?
I rely "No, I bought it back home at Kohls in St. Louis before we came on this cruise"
She questions "Really?"
"Yuppers Kohls in The Lou" I said back.
She then asked unexpectedly "Does it work?"
I reply sheepishly "Your standing hear aren't you?" (wink wink nudge nudge)
She laughs and walks back to her husband. I walk off giggling my (then) fat ass off.
That right there is a true story people.
Choice #2. Big Dick:
Obliviously I bought this one in Cozumel. If you can't read it, it says "I'm shy but I have a Big Dick!!! Of course I'm scared to death of what would happen if I actually wore this shirt out to a bar. I think it would just make some drunk woman about 55 come up to me and start asking questions about my wang, which I am not comfortable answering questions about. But of course I could talk about it forever but I won't answer your questions.
Now go do your democratic duty (hehe duty) and vote in the comments.