Minor Surgery or Construction Zone
I can't make up my mind if I want to make some lame analogy to some minor surgery or to call this a construction zone. Anyway, I have been working on the fixes for the site for the past couple of hours looking at the HTML code and trying to read it and figure out what the problem is, then I remembered that I don't know how the hell to read HTML.
Try this, find yourself some French (or any other language) web site and try to read and understand that shit. It may look like English letters and you might be able to make out some of the words but I bet you won't be able to understand the whole thing.
So I just said screw it and deleted some of the crap on the left column.
I deleted the MP3 player because 1) I never did set it up to play my own play list. 2) I seriously doubt that people were coming here for some lame ass music anyway. 3) It was taking too long to load the entire page and I think that was the main culprit.
I also deleted the calendar. I dumped that because I could not personalize if with the dates that I wanted to, hell all I had on it was the Royals schedule. Like I want those losers on my page.
I defiantly wanted to keep the countdown to my birthday because I wanted to give people enough time to prepare for the party and have enough shopping days until the date, you know so everyone could buy me some kick-ass stuff!
Although, I have only heard from people that are using Fire Fox or Safari. I could have been an ass about it and just told them to use Internet Explorer, but I am NOT a fuck head, I want to give everyone the gift of The D. And I want every one to be able to laugh at my misfortune (because I sure as hell do) Such as the time I fell down some stairs and broke my shoulder. What? I haven't told that story yet? I thought everyone knew that story, it’s a classic!! I even get request to tell it at parties. People also request that I put my pants back on, but I always refuse that one.
So if you are running Fire Fox or Safari then I an deeply sorry for your inconvenience and I do apologize from the heart of my bottom.
[Side note: If anyone knows Rodger Clemens of the New York Yankees, he just signed a one year contract worth 28 million bucks, could you please tell him to GO FUCK HIMSELF!! And stop telling us that "I didn't sigh for the money". FUCK YOU!]
I feel much better after that.
If you still have trouble reading this page then please let me know so I can get my people right on it. And by "my people right on it" I mean those geeks I downloaded it from. Thanks for reading have a nice week!
P.S. I will get started on the busted shoulder post tomorrow night.
UPDATE: I should really start proof reading these things before I post them. All those misspellings and grammar errors make me look like a fool. But then again you already new that. Didn’t you?