So what do you think?
So, what do you think? This is the final look of my new template. It's the only 3 column template that I know of from someone in Kansas City. I downloaded it from BlogCrowds. The good thing about it is that it works with the new blogger go I can use the layout to customize it. I really like the layout. I'm over all pretty happy with the final product. The colors are my all a shade or blue which is my fav color.
I got the widgets (the stuff on the left column) are from Yourminis. The MP3 widget is not fully set up yet because I don't have a online playlist from any web site. If fact I don't even know where to find those yet. Suggestion? The songs are just the default playlist that comes with it. The best part of these widgets is the fact that they are all customizable as far as size and colors and transparencies.
You can put any date in the countdown, I just chose my birthday. If you want to put it on your blog or My Space (you copycat) you can put any date in that you want.
The calendar just has the Royals schedule in it for now. The bad thing is that you cant put in individual dates like family birthdays, so that sucks.
The Video widgets is a option from blogger. I have not figured out how to get all 7 of the Chad Vader episodes on there yet.
I found the web sites last night but I didn't find this template or widgets until this afternoon. It took me a couple of hours to get the entire thing set up but overall I am pretty happy with it.
Now I am off to buy a new monitor. Wish me luck!
Now get out side and in joy the weather. And bring me some twinkies when you get back.