You Will Never Believe What Happened To Me On Monday!
On Saturday January 13 while I was taking shower after working out. I found a lump just under my right pectoral (chest) muscle. I was quite surprised and exclaimed “Oh shit, that ain’t supposed to be there” Or maybe it was “Dam, I ain’t payin’ for dat!” I really don’t recall. It was hard and was very sensitive to the touch, to the point of painful when I touched it. So, of course, I kept playing with the lump (instead of myself). It was about half the size of a golf ball, (I am talking about the lump people, geez) But you would not be able to see it because I have the nicest set of man boobies (or bitch tits, which ever you prefer) this side of the Mississippi.
After I ran out of cold water I got out of the shower and went on with my day. I spent most of Sunday perusing thought every page on the internet looking for some information on “lumps in the chest, growths in the chest, and similar stuff. But all I found were big words that I could not pronounce, and inappropriate pictures of little girls, which made me, feel a little dirty so I took another shower.
On Monday morning the lump was even bigger now it was roughly ¾ of the size of a golf ball. And it was even tendered (more tender?) to the touch. It was so tender that I could not wear a seat belt on the way to work.
At work I spent the morning looking for a doctor. I found one that was in the neighborhood of the office and called him when I got home for lunch. I was surprised to find out that he could get me in at 2:45 the same day. [I have not been to the doctor since my exit physical for my honorable discharge from The Marine Corps in 1994.]
When I arrived at the doctor’s office I was quite surprised to find out that they had a full work out facility IN the doctor’s office. (very L.A. I thought) I filled out all of the new patient paper work and waited for the nurse to take me to an exam room.
My nurse’s name was Farrah (as in Fawcett from Charlie’s Angels the T.V. show) but she did not look anything like the actress. Farrah (the nurse) was short, good looking, brunette with glasses and a little attitude (me likey, I said to myself) As she was going down a list of questions, which I had just answered on a sheet of paper 10 minuets earlier, she asked “Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?” I replied “No” she whipped back “Want one?”…
[Gulp… What kind of doctor office is this? Is this a front for prostitution? Is this how they screen there prospective “Johns”.]
Sadly she was just making a joke, which left me totally speechless, I was totally not expecting that one which is what made it so funny.
She took my temperature (orally) and my blood pressure which was decent, she said it was little high but not too bad. After some small talk she left and the doctor came in and check out my little friend, which had taken up residence right under my right man boobie.
He did some pinching, sticking, massaging, and some moving around, after about 5 minuets of him playing with it he said that it was a subcutaneous cyst. What the fuck is that and how do we get rid of it, is what I thought. He said that it will most likely NOT go a way on its own and that he could cut it out today if I wanted. I thought for a second (I had only come in here for a quick exam, not a full blown surgery.) So, of course, as with all of the best decisions I have made in my life I made it on a total whim. I said “Sure why the fuck not” I most likely not have to go back to work.
So he took me in to another room where I took off my shirt, laid down on a table and waited for Farrah to come back in and prep me for my minor surgery. She was nice I liked Farrah she was cute. Anyway, I asked her to take pictures of the whole ordeal, like before, during, and after. So I could show all of my friends what I did on Monday. She goes and asks the doctor he says no but I persuaded him that it was a good idea. He reluctantly agreed.
The Doctor started by numbing that area around the cyst with a shot of some type or shot (sadly it was NOt Jeager) I think it was Novocain, but I think that’s only used at the dentist so I really don’t know)). He then cuts me open and starts to squeeze all of the puss that was surrounding the cyst. He says that the cyst was infected and that is the reason that it was so tender and was growing so fast.
So the 3 of us Farrah, the Doc and myself had a good time while the doctor was working me over but after about 2-3 minuets the Novocain (or whatever) started to where off and I was starting to get really uncomfortable with him squeezing the puss out of me. I said “Doc, you know this is fun and all but it is starting to get a little annoying if you know what I mean. (I didn’t what to seam like a puss in front of Farrah) but he was just about killing me! I was thinking Holy fuck! Who is this dude, Dr. Frankenstein! FUCK! My eyes are starting to water I am literally just seconds from grabbing this dude and putting the Stone Cold Stunner on him when he finally says “Done”.
He stitched me up told me to wear a band-aid and some Neosporin and to come back on the 24th to have the 3 stiches taken out. Farrah came back in and cleaned me all up, and took the final picture.
Overall the experience was not too bad. But during, the surgery, when the Novocain (or what ever) started to where off I thought I was going to die. But looking back (hindsight is 20/20) it was not really that bad. It could have been a lot worse, which I was totally preparing myself for, when he said it was just a cyst I was really relived almost to the point of ejaculating but not quite.
So here are the pics. They are in order starting with the before. I warn you they are pretty graphic, so look at your own risk.
Before: Durring: