Random One Liners
I Heard this one while in line at the Price Chopper Friday night.
Girl: I like that song my Justin Timberlake, Sexy Back. Have you heard it?
Dude: Yea, But if he was anything like me sexy never left!
Have you tried to race your shadow?
I used to lift weights but they became too heavy.
No, I did not get a hair cut I got them all cut.
So we have all heard the old joke about the gunshow right? Well, it goes like this.
A guy says to a girl: Did you get your tickets?
Girl: Tickets to what"
Guy: To the gunshow! (as he is flexing his biceps)
Guy: Do you have a Band-Aid?
Girl: No why?
Guy: (as he is lifting his shirt) Because I'm cut!
Now granted these are both pretty lame. But a friend from work told me a new one, that I think is pretty good and I will add to my vast knowledge of one liners (some funny, some not)
Here is it:
Guy: Do you have any mice?
Girl: Umm, No?
Guy: Because my pythons need feeding! (said while flexing the biceps)