Marines Rule!!
This is why you should not screw around with Marines. Because we are some bad-ass MuthaFuckas!
The story basically sayes that this former DevilDog was walking home from work when these 4 dudes started to chase him. He ran for a bit to bide some time so he could get his knife out of his backpack. One attacher had a shot gun one attacher had a pistol. That is 2 fire arms against one pocket knife if you are keeping score. When they had him cornered he kicked the shotgun out of one of the attacker's hands and 2 people.stabbed both a 17-year-old girl who jumped on him and a man who also attacked him.
The dude only suffered a cut to his hand and a bruise on his chest.
This brings to question the answer to "Who brings a knife to a gun fight" Marines do that is who!!